

Are ISO 14001 Certification Consultants Ideal for Internal Audits and How Much Do They Charge?

In a world where global warming is an ever increasing and alarming concern, the ISO 14001 standard is vital for most businesses. This is even more true where your day-to-day operations can have adverse impact on the well-being of the environment and its community. The predominant clauses within global environment management system were designed to help fulfil the purpose of lowering your yearly carbon footprint. This includes requirements for zero waste, preserving energy resources for contingency times, maintaining a safe and secure working environment, and pursuing environment-friendly operations.

Companies often need professional help from trained ISO 14001 certification consultants who can a management team better focus on the fundamental motives for ensuring low carbon emissions. They will also offer bespoke solutions that are strategic and comprehensive. Organisations, that lack the expertise and experience in an ISO certification field need and should consider hiring out this service. There are usual steps that are pivotal to improving your management system along with ensuring that this certification completed correctly. This includes conducting a gap analysis, and other actions to fill-in any identified gaps and audit and reviews.

Questions always arise when you are considering hiring ISO consulting professionals. The following blog will provide you with more answers. The goal is to reduce any confusion by elaborating on what an internal audit is and how these professionals will perform it efficiently. Also, overall cost of these audits will also be covered.

What is an internal audit?

An internal audit is known for adding value to the overall operations of a company. It is an objective reassurance program that improves the overall operational systems within an organisation. An internal audit aims to verify and determine if the implemented actions for system modification have met their desired outcome. It will also check and compares the current performance of your system with expected or outlined results. Also, it is an independent evaluation that will assess internal controls along with measuring corporate governance and financial consequences. These audit specialists will confirm that you meet all regulatory compliance and have the right support for management team to ensure accurate data collection.

Six benefits of internal audits within an environmental management system

• The directors will have opportunity to strengthen their internal operations and methods for mobilising resources to ensure you have reduced greenhouse emissions.

• The efficiency and productive capacity of individual stakeholder groups will increase when an internal audit is conducted. Document all procedures for each team as strategic measure for ensuring and forcing employees to take accountabilities of their roles.

• Internal audits support the principle of continuous improvement by identifying areas where an EMS can be strengthened. By monitoring trends over time and tracking the implementation of corrective actions, audits will contribute to the ongoing refinement of environmental management practices.

• Audits can serve as educational tool for all employees by raising awareness about environmental issues and the importance of compliance to all EMS requirements. Through your audit findings and recommendations, employees will gain a better understanding of their roles and responsibilities in maintaining environmental performance.

• Internal audits can help prepare an organisation for external certification audits by identifying areas of weakness or non-conformance in advance. By addressing these issues proactively, an organisation can increase its likelihood of achieving and maintaining certification to environmental management standards such as the ISO 14001.

Are ISO 14001 certification consultants a top choice for internal audits?

Most ISO 14001 certification consultants are registered audit specialists. They have both experience and authorisation to conduct analytical processes to ensure compliance. Their costs double if a company hires various experts for individual analysis and review meetings. It is better to appoint professionals who are ready to provide you with comprehensive guidance at an affordable cost. To become an ISO-certified agent, one has to acquire various registrations, which showcase and provide proof of his/her expertise.

• These agents will conduct internal and surveillance audits yearly.

• They are proficient in conducting a gap analysis, filling in gaps, performing management reviews and or readiness assessments alongside an audit.

• These experts will help your management team generate increased awareness campaigns. They will consult with the board of directors to organise training programs as well as to increase the competency levels of your workforce.

• Besides, these professionals can help streamline and document everything along each management implementation phase.

What is the approximate cost of ISO 14001 certification consultants to conduct audits?

It depends on the size of the company. The starting range to perform an internal audit is 450 AU$ and can go up to 600 AU$ per hour.

To find the right professional support for implementing the ISO environment sustainability management system standard and to meet all internal audit requirements, contact the experts at Compliancehelp. We are a premier firm that can help you achieve any ISO certification within Australia. Our customised solutions for ISO and other global certifications are readily available and can make what appears to be a seemingly exhausting accreditation process, simple and completed on-time. From basic consultation to audit and analysis, we will cover everything. Get our help to clear up any questions you have regarding the various clauses of any management system standard you require.

Ask certified our ISO 14001 certification consultants about the environmental internal audit checklist and they can help you ensure compliance without any complications.
