

Do ISO 14001 Certification Consultants Conduct Readiness Reviews and Audits?

What are the duties of ISO 14001 certification consultants? This question is often researched online as every company must acknowledge the importance of environmental sustainability. Your operations and business practices must demonstrate your commitment and responsibility. The ISO 14001 is the global standard for maintaining eco-friendly practices. It helps to reduce your overall yearly carbon footprint along with helping to control process measures effectively. Energy saving, low resource waste, and empowerment of employees are some of the pivotal assets.

These certification consultants will provide comprehensive support. They analyse the performance, conduct internal audits, and suggest relevant strategies. Their support plays a key role in meeting compliance. Two of their services are readiness reviews and internal audits and they will perform both of them efficiently. However, there can be confusion regarding their services. In particular, small companies lack the proper knowledge about the hiring process. They feel some fees are too expensive and they might have to pay other hidden fees as well.

The following blog will try to resolve some of this confusion. It will discuss about the various services and charges.

Do ISO 14001 certification consultants conduct readiness reviews and audits?

Yes, ISO 14001 certification consultants are proficient in performing them. What are readiness reviews and internal audits?

Readiness reviews

• It is an assessment of the system’s preparedness.

• The management evaluates all the documents. The consultants check the record of the implementation of the ISO 14001 clauses and procedures.

• They review the organisational procedure for implementing strategic actions.

• With the help of a checklist, they interview each stakeholder department.

• They determine their performance. The consultants highlight what is left to be done.

• They make a detailed review report noting all the non-compliance found in the review.

• The ISO 14001 consultants determine if the system is ready for the third-party interview or not.

Internal audit

• An internal audit is an assessment that takes place before the readiness review.

• It is a process of interviewing stakeholders and identifying progress.

• Major deficiencies are listed in this process.

• The audit specialists check individual performance and determine if they have been adequate.

• ISO 14001 consultants are certified agents. They have the skills and authorisation to conduct the audit.

• They have relevant industry experience which they employ in mitigating the non-conformance.

• The consultants perform the pre-certification audit in the following process –

• Site inspection

• Comprehensive assessment (evaluation of documentation)

• Identify non-conformities.

• Check if the implemented environmental practices are effective.

• Identify the root-causes.

• Develop corrective actions.

• Help the management in enforcing them.

• Conduct follow-up reviews to ensure compliance.

To locate experienced professional support for environmental management, contact us at Compliancehelp. We are a premier site for achieving any ISO certification in Australia. We provide bespoke solutions for ISO and other global certifications. We make this seemingly exhausting process of accreditation, comfortable and seamless. We offer basic consultation, audit, and analysis, and we will cover everything. Get help clearing up any misconceptions you have regarding the clauses of any management system standard you require. We can help you clear up any doubts regarding the most vital questions related to risk aversion.

Our ISO 14001 certification consultants conduct readiness reviews, gap analysis, and internal audits.
